From Amazon COMMENTS:

This book saved my life & my sanity.

It brought knowledge and clarity to what I thought were disparate symptoms and has begun bringing over 3+ years of suffering and constant worry to an end. Like so many of the case studies presented in this book, I was misdiagnosed or dismissed by doctors and specialists for years.

Armed with the information in this book, I sought out a new GP and requested the author's recommended tests. I am so glad I was forewarned that many in the medical community may oppose testing because my requests were initially met with skepticism. 

Knowing this could happen, I was prepared to stand my ground & insist the tests were ordered. 

My B12 came back at a critically low level and my homocysteine and methylmalonic acid were elevated. These 3 results confirm a B12 deficiency. 

The book is extremely helpful at explaining the importance and special considerations of each of these tests.

After that, my GP started taking me seriously however she had a knowledge deficit as to how to treat it or what to do next. 

Once again, I was so grateful for this book. I was able to show my doctor case studies and treatment plans & have been taking SC injections of B12 and am feeling so much better.

B12 is essential to the formation of healthy red blood cells and necessary for DNA replication. The symptoms of a B12 deficiency can manifest in any or all bodily systems. 

As the author points out, it is often mistaken for other illnesses & only the tests listed above can rule it out. But you will need this book to understand what your test results mean and for advice on what to do next.

There is so much misinformation out there about B12 deficiency, most doctors and many hospitals do not use the most up-to-date information or sufficient B12 test ranges so if you are looking for honest, well explained answers from medical professionals, please buy this book! 

It just might save you, or a loved one, too.

Could It Be B12?: An Epidemic of Misdiagnoses Kindle Edition 

Kindle Price:$9.52
Read it on your iPad, Tablet, smart phone or PC

A silent crippler stalks millions of North Americans. 

It afflicts one person with tremors, makes another depressed or psychotic, and causes agonizing leg pains or paralysis in still another. 

It can mimic Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, early Parkinson’s disease, diabetic neuropathy, or chronic fatigue syndrome. 

It can make men or women infertile or cause development disabilities in their children. 

The disorder is vitamin B12 deficiency. 

This isn’t a new or fad disease. You’ll find it listed in the textbooks of any first-year medical student. 

Yet it may be the most misdiagnosed disease and, when this occurs, the consequences can be tragic.


Sally Pacholok, RN has been researching B12 deficiency and practicing emergency nursing for 26 years. 

She diagnosed herself with B12 deficiency after doctors failed to identify her condition. 

Pacholok is an educator, public speaker, a frequent radio guest on nationally syndicated talk shows, as well as print and television interviews. She is an international lecturer, and member of the Emergency Nurses Association. Could It Be B12? has been translated into Dutch and Slovenian and won the Indie Excellence Award for best health book in 2011. 

Diagnosing and Treating Vitamin B12 Deficiency


Vitamin B12 deficiency can sneak up on you, and can lead to a myriad of diseases and disorders. 

It is essential t know the signs and symptoms. 

You could be deficient yet still test in the so-called range of "normal B12" on a blood test, especially if you have taken an oral B12 supplement of uncertain quality, or you have been under-treating the deficiency.

 Oral B12 supplements do not work for all patients.

Patients with digestive/absorption problems will benefit from B12 injections, as do many patients with nerve damage.


From YouTube COMMENTS:

I wish I had know this earlier. 

We spend over a year trying to figure out what was wrong with me. 

I was tested for everything with bloodwork, MRIs, bone scans, that test with the taser. 

I was told it was all in my head and that I was just seeking attention. 

My life was excellent. I was in the best shape of my life. Why would I suddenly stay at home, whine and complain just to get attention?  

I went to a different neurologist who noticed my B12 "was on the low side" at the 300 range. 

He suggested seeing if I could find old tests to compare. 

I had taken the test a year earlier and was in the 400 range. I found a test 5 years before that was in the 1200 range.

The first symptoms I noticed was burning in my forearm. Then it went to finger twitching. The burning and twitching went all over and included electricity. 

Then memory loss, bowel issues (I would have the runs for weeks at a time), fatigue, clumsiness. 

My hand were swollen, I was dropping everything and I could no longer write and could barely type.

 My attention span was like Dory. My heart raced constantly and I wished I would just die already.

 Since taking b12 injections, the first thing that came back was sexual function. 

That was something I talked to my ob/gyn about years and years earlier and was told "Welcome to 30".

 I didn't even know it was part of this. 

I stopped getting injured as frequently, my asthma was healing. 

I've been on the shots for a year and I am 85% better. I can work out a little, 

I can read again and take care of my family. 

There are days that are still high pain (like when it rains), but most of my days are good and mostly pain free.